Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Jesus is the Son of God and King, because he has all authority over heaven and earth (Matthew 28:16-20)

This passage is the final instructive from Jesus to his disciples. After his resurrection, Jesus’ first appearance to the two women (Matt. 28:7-9), and he sent two women to tell the disciples to go to Galilee and to meet him (Matt. 28:10). And our text is his second appearance to the eleven disciples at Galilee (Matt. 28:16-20). In this passage the narrator intends to remind his reader (s) to understand Jesus is more than human (i.e., Jesus is the “Son of God,” and “King”), and his special purpose for our life.

Homiletical Outlines

1. Obey Jesus because he alone to be worshipped
Matthew 28:16, the narrator narrating the story that the eleven disciples (cf. after the death of Judas at 27:5) went up to the mountain of Galilee where Jesus had arranged to meet them.
There are two groups of people who went to meet Jesus in Galilee: (i) those who worshiped Jesus; and (ii) those who doubted.

2. Obey Jesus because he has the supreme authority over all aspects of life
The spheres in which he now exercises absolute (as the risen Lord) authority are enlarged to include heaven and earth (i.e., universe). Moreover, this passage echoes Daniel 7:14 says, “To him was given dominion and glory and kingship, that all peoples, all nations, and language should serve him….”

3. Obey Jesus’ commands because his presence and power would among his believers
Jesus links his universal authority with the command to “go” and “make disciples of all the nations” through the connecting word “therefore.” Once the disciples are made, it is essential for them to be baptized in the name of the triune God (Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit in one Godhead) in order to become incorporated into a Christian community or signifies incorporation into the fellowship of God. The activity of “teaching” is also essential part of the discipling process. The disciples obeyed and imitated the words and actions of the Lord Jesus and then passed on to others what he taught.

4. Conclusion
Finally, we learnt that the disciples made Jesus King of their lives and worship him as their Savior, God, and King….

5. Application
Just like the disciples, with the same authority, Jesus still commanded us to tell others the Good
News and make them disciples for the kingdom….


  1. Hi, I am from Australia.
    Did you ever meet Saint Jesus of Galilee up close and personal in a living-breathing-feeling human form?
    Were you present during the time period when what became the contents of the "New" Testament were put together by the church fathers (who won the "religious" culture wars of their time and place) to consolidate and extend their worldly institutional power?

    Please find a completely different Illuminated Understanding of what Saint Jesus of Galilee taught and demonstrated while he was alive.

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